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Air Transport and the GATS
This special compilation describes air transport services from a regulatory and economic point of view with a special focus on market access questions. Each volume contains original material and up-to-date insights written on the basis of close cooperation with industry professionals. It contains the documentation prepared by the WTO Secretariat for the WTO Membership in the framework of a quinquennal review process of the air transport sector. It deals with services "auxiliary" to air transport namely maintenance repair and overhaul airlines' ticket distribution franchising leasing ground handling airport management and air navigation services.
Trade Policy Review: Colombia 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Colombia.
Trade Policy Review: Madagascar 2008
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Madagascar.
Serie de Acuerdos de la OMC: Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio
Esta nueva edición ofrece una descripción general del propósito y alcance del Acuerdo sobre Obstáculos Técnicos al Comercio (OTC) de la OMC los tipos de medidas que cubre y los principios clave del Acuerdo. Tiene como objetivo mejorar la comprensión del Acuerdo OTC.
World Trade Report 2008
The theme of this year’s Report is “Trade in a Globalizing World”. The Report provides a reminder of what we know about the gains from international trade and highlights the challenges arising from higher levels of integration. It addresses a range of interlinking questions starting with a consideration of what constitutes globalization what drives it what benefits does it bring what challenges does it pose and what role does trade play in this world of ever-growing inter-dependency. The Report asks why some countries have managed to take advantage of falling trade costs and greater policy-driven trading opportunities while others have remained largely outside international commercial relations. It also considers who the winners and losers are from trade and what complementary action is needed from policy-makers to secure the benefits of trade for society at large. In examining these complex and multi-faceted questions the Report reviews both the theoretical gains from trade and empirical evidence that can help to answer these questions.
Rapport sur le Commerce Mondial 2007
Le 1er janvier 2008 le système commercial multilatéral a eu 60 ans. Le rapport 2007 sur le commerce mondial commémore cet anniversaire par une analyse approfondie du GATT et de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) qui lui a succédé – leurs origines leurs réalisations les défis qu'ils ont dû relever et ce que l'avenir leur réserve.
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty
The Role of Trade in Ending Poverty looks at the complex relationships between economic growth poverty reduction and trade and examines the challenges that poor people face in benefiting from trade opportunities. Written jointly by the World Bank Group and the WTO the publication examines how trade could make a greater contribution to ending poverty by increasing efforts to lower trade costs improve the enabling environment implement trade policy in conjunction with other areas of policy better manage risks faced by the poor and improve data used for policy-making.
World Trade Statistical Review 2021
“World Trade Statistical Review” looks into the latest trends in global trade with in-depth analysis of what is being traded and who the key players are. Analytical chapters are complemented by over 60 tables providing a detailed breakdown of the goods and services being traded and the leading exporters/importers.
Profils Tarifaires dans le Monde 2017
Les Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2017 donnent des renseignements détaillés sur les droits de douane et les mesures non tarifaires appliqués par plus de 170 pays et territoires douaniers.
Services Profiles 2013
Services Profiles 2013 provides statistics on key “infrastructure services” i.e. transportation telecommunications finance and insurance for 140 economies. The information is derived from multiple sources such as national accounts employment statistics balance of payments statistics foreign affiliates’ trade in services (FATS) statistics foreign direct investment (FDI) statistics and quantitative indicators largely sourced from international/regional organizations and specialized bodies.
Multilateralizing Regionalism
Regional trade agreements (RTAs) have proliferated around the world in the past two decades and now nearly all members of the WTO are party to at least one. Besides tariffs and rules of origin regulating trade in goods many RTAs now include provisions on services investments technical barriers to trade and competition rules as well as a host of issues not directly related to trade. The geographic reach of RTAs is expanding with transcontinental agreements spreading forcefully alongside intra-regional agreements. ‘Multilateralizing Regionalism’ was the title of a major conference held from 10–12 September 2007 at the WTO in Geneva. Brought together in this publication the conference papers achieve two things. First they marshall detailed new empirical work on the nature of the ‘Spaghetti Bowl’ and the problems it poses for the multilateral trade system. Second they contribute fresh and creative thinking on how to ‘tame the tangle’ of regional trade agreements.
Trade Policy Review: Mexico 2017
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Mexico.
La OMC en pocas palabras
En pocas palabras la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC) es la única organización internacional que se ocupa de las normas de alcance mundial que regulan el comercio. Su principal función es velar por que las corrientes comerciales circulen con la mayor fluidez previsibilidad y libertad posibles.
Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005
La atención prestada a los efectos de las normas en el comercio ha ocultado a menudo la importante contribución de las normas al aumento de la eficiencia económica y a la superación de las deficiencias del mercado. Es al desempeñar estas funciones cuando crean beneficios para la sociedad. El Informe sobre el Comercio Mundial 2005 trata de arrojar luz sobre estas diversas funciones y consecuencias de las normas.
Global Value Chains in a Changing World
A collection of papers by some of the world’s leading specialists on global value chains (GVCs). It examines how GVCs have evolved and the challenges they face in a rapidly changing world. The approach is multidisciplinary with contributions from economists political scientists supply chain management specialists practitioners and policymakers.
Making Globalization More Inclusive
Policies aimed at helping workers adjust to the impact of trade or technological changes can provide a helping hand to the workforce and increase the benefits of open trade and new technologies. This publication contributes to the discussion on how governments can help make international trade more inclusive and ensure that the benefits of open trade are spread more widely.
Trade and Climate Change
What do we know about climate change? What is the relationship between trade and climate change? How does trade affect greenhouse gas emissions and can more open trade help to address climate change? What is the range of national measures that can contribute to global mitigation efforts? These are just some of the questions discussed by this report by the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme.
Trade Policy Review: Turkey 2012
“Trade Policy Reviews” analyse the trade policies and practices of each member of the WTO. The reviews consist of three parts: an independent report by the WTO Secretariat a report by the government and the concluding remarks by the Chair of the WTO’s Trade Policy Review Body. The opening section - “key trade facts” - provides a visual overview of the WTO member’s major exports/imports main export destinations origins for its imports and other key data. This edition looks into the trade practices of Turkey.
Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment - Annual Report by the Director-General (2010)
Lamy cites need for “increased vigilance” to three potential dangers facing world trade: Director-General Pascal Lamy in his annual report to WTO members on developments in the international trading environment published on 24 November 2010 called for increased vigilance by members to three potential dangers the first regarding “an increase in protectionist pressures generated by global imbalances at a time when the political consensus in favour of open trade and investment is already under strain from stubbornly high levels of unemployment in many countries”. He also cited “the danger of a steady accumulation over time of measures that restrict or distort trade and investment” and “the challenge of managing the trade and investment impacts of stimulus and bail-out measures taken in response to the crisis”.
Los Acuerdos de la OMC
La presente publicación contiene el texto del acuerdo fundacional de la OMC el Acuerdo de Marrakech por el que se establece la Organización Mundial del Comercio de 1994 y sus Anexos con inclusión de todas las modificaciones y adiciones desde su entrada en vigor hasta septiembre de 2017. Entre ellas se encuentran una enmienda del acuerdo de la OMC sobre propiedad intelectual (Acuerdo sobre los ADPIC) destinada a mejorar el acceso de los países en desarrollo a los medicamentos el Acuerdo sobre Facilitación del Comercio de la OMC que entró en vigor en febrero de 2017 además de una enmienda adoptada en 2017 para ampliar los plazos entre los exámenes por homólogos realizados en el marco del Mecanismo de Examen de las Políticas Comerciales a partir de 2019 y el Acuerdo sobre Contratación Pública revisado. La presente publicación actualiza y sustituye a Los Textos Jurídicos: Los Resultados de la Ronda Uruguay de Negociaciones Comerciales Multilaterales título publicado por primera vez en 1994.