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Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement
The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement aims to ensure that regulations standards testing and certification procedures followed by WTO members do not create unnecessary obstacles to trade. Annual Review of TBT Agreement The WTO Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade collects data on an annual basis on the implementation of the TBT Agreement. The information in this brochure is based on the 2023 review. About the WTO The World Trade Organization is the international body dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly predictably and freely as possible with a level playing field for all its members.
El edificio de la OMC
La publicación "El edificio de la OMC" presenta un panorama fascinante del arte y la arquitectura del Centro William Rappard (CWR) sede de la Organización Mundial del Comercio. Describe los orígenes y la trayectoria del CWR destacando las numerosas obras de arte creadas y donadas para ornamentar el edificio a lo largo de los años.
The WTO Building
"The WTO Building" provides a fascinating insight into the artwork and architecture of the Centre William Rappard (CWR) home of the World Trade Organization. The book describes the origins and evolution of the CWR highlighting the many works of art created and donated to adorn the building over the years.
Le bâtiment de l'OMC
« Le bâtiment de l'OMC » offre un aperçu fascinant des œuvres d'art et de l'architecture du Centre William Rappard (CWR) le siège de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce. Cet ouvrage décrit les origines et l'évolution du CWR en mettant en lumière les nombreuses œuvres d'art qui ont été créées et données pour décorer le bâtiment au fil des ans.
Panorama de l'Aide pour le commerce 2022
Le présent rapport analyse l’évolution des flux d’Aide pour le commerce dans un contexte marqué par des crises d’une ampleur sans précédent qui ont des conséquences importantes pour le commerce et l’investissement. Intitulé «Permettre un commerce connecté et durable» il montre que l’Aide pour le commerce a été un outil important dans la lutte contre la pandémie de COVID-19 et peut aider à relever des défis nouveaux comme la transition écologique et la transition numérique et dans le même temps à faire en sorte que nul ne soit laissé de côté. Des données récentes font ressortir le changement qui s’opère actuellement pour placer la durabilité y compris la transition verte et l’autonomisation des femmes au coeur de l’Aide pour le commerce et soulignent le potentiel de celle-ci à l’appui d’une reprise inclusive et durable.
La Ayuda para el Comercio en síntesis 2022
En el presente informe se analiza la evolución de las corrientes de Ayuda para el Comercio en un contexto marcado por crisis de una magnitud sin precedentes y con fuertes repercusiones en el comercio y la inversión. El informe titulado “Posibilitar un comercio conectado y sostenible” muestra que la Ayuda para el Comercio ha sido un instrumento importante en la lucha contra la pandemia de COVID-19 y puede ayudar a afrontar los desafíos emergentes como la transición ambiental y digital y al mismo tiempo hacer que nadie se quede atrás. Según datos recientes se está produciendo un cambio orientado a que la sostenibilidad que pasa entre otras cosas por la transición verde y el empoderamiento de la mujer ocupe un lugar central en la Ayuda para el Comercio y esta tiene el potencial de respaldar una recuperación inclusiva y sostenible.
Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade
What is “digital trade” and how can it be measured and monitored to support policymakers in navigating the digital transformation of international commerce? Digital technologies have made it increasingly feasible for buyers and sellers to place and receive orders on a global scale. They also enable the instantaneous remote delivery of services directly into businesses and homes including internationally. By focusing on these two criteria – digital ordering and digital delivery across borders – the Handbook on Measuring Digital Trade sets out a conceptual and measurement framework for digital trade that aligns with the broader standards for macroeconomic statistics. This second edition of the Handbook is the outcome of a partnership between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) resulting in a comprehensive agreed approach. This Handbook aims to help statistical compilers to address policymakers’ needs for statistical evidence on digital trade. It includes extensive compilation guidance drawing upon substantive inputs and case studies from both developed and developing economies and covering a variety of survey and non-survey sources. A reporting template is also proposed to support compilers in the production and dissemination of digital trade statistics. This Handbook thereby establishes a valuable shared foundation for understanding and measuring digital trade in a way that is internationally comparable. Furthermore it provides a crucial resource for an active programme of technical assistance and statistical capacity-building through which the four co-authoring partner organizations can support statistical compilers as they seek to measure monitor and respond to the challenges of digital trade.
Annual Report 2024
This report covers WTO activities in 2023 and the early part of 2024. At the start of the report Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala reflects on the current challenges facing world trade and the role of the WTO in helping the world address these challenges. The report also covers the 13th WTO Ministerial Conference which took place from 26 February to 2 March 2024.
Global Trade Outlook and Statistics
The WTO’s “Global Trade Outlook and Statistics” analyses recent global trade developments. Breakdowns of merchandise and commercial services trade by sector and region are provided together with details on leading traders. The report is timed to coincide with the release of the WTO’s latest quarterly and annual trade statistics which can be downloaded from the WTO’s online database at stats.wto.org.
Perspectivas del comercio mundial y estadísticas
En el informe Perspectivas del comercio mundial y estadísticas de la OMC se analizan los acontecimientos comerciales más recientes a nivel mundial. Además se proporcionan desgloses del comercio de mercancías y servicios comerciales porsectores y regiones junto con detalles sobre los principales interlocutores comerciales. La publicación del informe coincide con la divulgación de las últimas estadísticas comerciales trimestrales y anuales de la OMC que pueden descargarse de la base de datos en línea de la OMC en la dirección siguiente: stats.wto.org.
Working together for better climate action
The report of the Joint Task Force on Climate Action Carbon Pricing and Policy Spillovers with participation by the IMF OECD UNCTAD World Bank and WTO makes four main contributions. First it reflects on a common understanding of carbon pricing metrics which inform on the incentives to decarbonize and on cross-country variation in carbon prices a key determinant of international spillover effects and competitiveness concerns. Second the report analyzes the appropriate mixes of climate change mitigation policies emphasizing the pivotal role of carbon pricing as the only policy implementing the polluter pays principle while generating revenues. Third it analyzes how international organizations can support the coordination of policies to maximize positive and limit negative cross-border spillovers from climate change mitigation policies. Finally it discusses how such coordination can help to scale up climate action by closing the transparency gap the implementation gap and the ambition gap.
Perspectives du commerce mondial et statistiques
La publication « Perspectives et statistiques du commerce mondial » de l’OMC analyse l’évolution récente du commerce mondial. Elle contient des ventilations du commerce des marchandises et du commerce des services commerciaux par secteur et par région ainsi que des renseignements détaillés sur les principales économies commerçantes. La publication du rapport coïncide avec celle des dernières statistiques commerciales trimestrielles et annuelles de l’OMC qui peuvent être téléchargées à partir de la base de données en ligne de l’Organisation à l’adresse suivante : stats.wto.org.
Perfiles Arancelarios en el Mundo 2024
La publicación Perfiles arancelarios en el mundo 2024 ofrece información completa sobre las medidas arancelarias y no arancelarias impuestas por más de 170 países y territorios aduaneros. La publicación comienza con un desglose de los aranceles impuestos por esas economías. Los datos arancelarios se presentan en cuadros comparativos y en perfiles individuales de una página para cada economía. Se proporciona también un cuadro recapitulativo sobre determinados indicadores relativos a los perfiles de importación y de exportación para estas economías. Las estadísticas sobre las medidas no arancelarias por economía y por grupos de productos complementan los datos sobre los aranceles. El tema especial trata de los "Aranceles sobre los minerales esenciales en la cadena de valor de los vehículos eléctricos". La publicación ha sido elaborada conjuntamente por la Organización Mundial del Comercio ONU Comercio y Desarrollo (UNCTAD) y el Centro de Comercio Internacional (ITC).
World Trade Report 2024
Over the past 30 years the world has witnessed a period of unprecedented income convergence as the wide gap in income levels between economies has narrowed. Economic growth has improved living conditions and prospects for many people around the world. However not all individuals regions and economies have benefited equally from the changes brought about by more open trade. The World Trade Report 2024 explores the complex interlinkages between trade and inclusiveness across and within economies. Openness to international trade can drive economic growth but many low- and middle-income economies struggle to diversify or to integrate into world trade. Although trade supports numerous jobs and provides access to affordable goods and services some individuals can face challenges in adapting to new economic conditions following trade openness. However trade protectionism neither protects the overall economy nor promotes inclusiveness within economies. Diversifying global value chains reducing trade costs through digitalization and transitioning to a low-carbon economy can create new opportunities for low- and middle-income economies. Addressing remaining barriers to trade and investment facilitating the implementation of existing WTO agreements and ensuring that the WTO is fit for new challenges are crucial to support inclusiveness across and within economies. Furthermore trade policies need to be complemented by domestic measures such as labour education and competition policies so that the gains from trade can flow to workers and consumers and so that those individuals can move to benefit from those gains. WTO cooperation with other international organizations can magnify combined action on inclusiveness across and within economies.
World Tariff Profiles 2024
World Tariff Profiles 2024 provides comprehensive information on the tariffs and non-tariff measures imposed by over 170 countries and customs territories. The publication starts with a breakdown of the tariffs imposed by these economies. Tariff data are presented in comparative tables and in one-page profiles for each economy. A summary table on selected indicators on the imports and exports profile for these economies is also presented. Statistics on non tariff measures by economy and by product group complement the data on tariffs. This special topic deals with “Tariffs on critical minerals in the electric vehicle value chain”. The publication is jointly prepared by the World Trade Organization the UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the International Trade Centre (ITC).
Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2024
Les Profils tarifaires dans le monde 2024 contiennent des renseignements détaillés sur les droits de douane et les mesures non tarifaires appliqués par plus de 170 pays et territoires douaniers. La publication commence par une ventilation des droits de douane appliqués par ces économies. Les données tarifaires sont présentées dans des tableaux comparatifs et sous forme de profils individuels d'une page pour chaque économie. Un tableau récapitulatif concernant certains indicateurs relatifs au profil des importations et des exportations pour ces économies est aussi disponible. Les données tarifaires sont complétées par des statistiques sur les mesures non tarifaires par économie et par groupe de produits. Le sujet spécial traité dans la publication porte sur le thème "Droits de douane visant les minéraux essentiels à la chaîne de valeur des véhicules électriques". Cette publication est établie conjointement par l’Organisation mondiale du commerce la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED) et le Centre du commerce international (ITC).