The authors would like to thank Michela Esposito for her comments and valuable research assistance. They also would like to thank Delina Agnosteva, James Anderson, Richard Barnett, Davin Chor, Gabriel Felbermayr, Benedikt Heid, Russell Hillberry, Lou Jing, Ma Lin, Antonella Liberatore, Andreas Maurer, Jurgen Richtering, Stela Rubinova, Serge Shikher, Costas Syropoulos, Robert Teh, Thomas Verbeet, Mykyta Vesselovsky, Joschka Wanner, Thomas Zylkin, as well as the seminar and workshop participants at the ifo Institute, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the U.S. International Trade Commission, Global Affairs Canada, the University of Ottawa, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the Tsenov Academy of Economics, and the National University of Singapore for helpful suggestions and discussions. Thanks also go to Vlasta Macku (UNCTAD Virtual Institute) for her continuous support to this project and her role in initiating this inter-organizational cooperation.

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