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- World Trade Report 2017
- Chapter
Labour market outcomes: Trends and analytical framework

- By: World Trade Organization
- Source: World Trade Report 2017 , pp 20-73
- Publication Date: September 2017
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.30875/14f634cd-en
- Language: English French, Spanish
This section aims to put the discussion of the labour market effects of trade and technology into perspective. A narrow focus on these effects may give the misleading impression that trade and/or technology are the main determinants of employment or wages. As explained in this section, however, levels of employment or unemployment and of wages are largely determined by how the labour market works. In other words, the effects of technology or trade on labour market outcomes depend, to a large extent, on institutional conditions in the labour market, concomitant economic changes and the diversification of employment opportunities when shocks occur.
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